Hands-on-Training on “Elemental and Surface Characterization Techniques (CHNS/Physisorption/Chemisorption)” Hands-on-Training on “Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SCFE)” Multiple Ph.D. positions (WITH OWN FELLOWSHIP) available at CIAB

Welcome to Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB)

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, is the only institute in the country which works mainly on Secondary Agriculture and development of value added products from different types of bio resources. Its mandate fits well with the of Govt. of India`s programme on “Doubling the Farmer`s Income” with the same inputs. It also become more relevant in present context when Indian Agriculture is going on complete transformation with limited land resources and increasing input costs. We all are aware that the agricultural wastes are being burnt by many farmers. If this Agri-waste is used to isolate bioactive compounds with high market value, it can directly benefit the farming community by increasing their farm income. It will not only provide new avenues to establish industrial units on utilization of Agri-waste but will also provide new employment opportunities to the rural masses.

Within its eight years of establishment, besides moving to its new campus in Sector 81, Knowledge City Mohali, CIAB has made substantial contributions in developing various processes to derive products from the agricultural waste. The Scientists of the institute have been able to transfer two technologies, i) D-psicose-a nearly zero calorie sugar production from the biomass and ii) a liquid whey beverage product named CIAB-NAVITA to the industries. Also, CIAB has signed non-disclosure agreement (NDA) for three technologies with the industries who have expressed their interests. In addition, institute has developed several other technologies which are at different stages of scale up and commercialization.

The institute is working very hard on meeting its goals through the well designed four R & D programmes; (i) Value addition to primary processing residue/wastes for edible products, (ii) Valorization of crop wastes for specialty products and chemicals, (iii) Nutritionals, nutraceuticals, and upgradation of value or of use of primary processing bioproducts and (iv) Biosynthetic technology/synthetic biology for low volume-high value products and industrial enzymes.

I am sure with its very clear vision and R& D programmes, the institutes will achieve its goals very effectively and it will become a unique institute in the country on Secondary Agriculture and bioprocessing.

Prof. Ashwani Pareek, CEO CIAB (Additional Charge)

Central Instrumentation Facility
PhD Program

Locate Us

Head of the Institute:
Prof. Ashwani Pareek
Chief Executive Officer,
Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing

Campus Address:
Sector-81 (Knowledge City),
PO Manauli, S.A.S. Nagar,
Mohali-140306, Punjab, India.
Email: ceo[at]ciab.res.in